C/IL 102 (Computing & Information Literacy)
Dr. McCloskey
Description of (and examples pertaining to) a hypothetical computer

Acknowledgement: The "machine" described here is an adaptation of that presented in Introducing Computer Concepts by Simulating a Simple Computer, by Dr. Robert A. Campbell, SIGCSE Bulletin, Vol. 28, No. 3, Sept. 1996, pp. 9-11.

The purpose of this presentation is to illustrate how an electronic digital computer operates at the machine language level of abstraction. The electronic aspects of its operation are not treated.

The hypothetical computer described here serves as a model, or abstraction, of the step-by-step behavior of a real-life digital computer. Being only a model (and thus a simplification of reality), the hypothetical computer does not possess all the capabilities of a (typical) real-life general-purpose computer; however, it operates in, essentially, the same way. Thus, by coming to an understanding of this model, you will have come also to a better understanding of what goes on "under the hood" of your laptop computer, or smart phone, or other digital data processing device that you may happen to use.

Components of the hypothetical computer:

  1. RAM (main/primary memory/storage): Comprised of 4096 (that's 212) 16-bit memory locations (or "words") with addresses 0, 1, 2, ..., 4095. (A memory location is analogous to a mailbox in a post office or to a cell in an MS-Excel worksheet.)
  2. Central Processing Unit (CPU):
  3. I/O Devices:

General-purpose digital computers are designed to employ the stored program concept, which is to say that not only data occupies memory, but also the instructions comprising the software that is processing that data. Another way to look at it is that instructions are nothing but another form of data, in addition to numbers, characters, images, etc.

Recall from the Giant Brains videorecording that one interesting weakness of ENIAC was that it was NOT a stored-program computer. That is, a program being executed on the ENIAC was embodied/expressed in terms of its wiring, as opposed to being expressed as a sequence of instructions (encoded by bit strings or characters, or whatever) stored in its memory. As a consequence of this, changing ENIAC's programming required that technicians make physical alterations to its wiring, which could take hours or even days!!

Let us assume that we have some way of filling each memory location with a string of 16 bits. (This allows us to place a program that we wish to be executed, as well as data that might be useful to it, into RAM.) Once we hit the EXECUTE button on the computer, it repeats, over and over, the following fetch-decode-execute cycle, stopping only after the HALT instruction has been executed.

Fetch-Decode-Execute Cycle:

  1. Fetch next instruction (i.e., copy into the IR the contents of the memory location identified by the IC)
  2. Increment the IC (i.e., add one to the value in IC)
  3. Execute the instruction occupying the IR

The purpose of (2) is to make it so that, by default, the instructions will be executed in the same order as they appear in memory. (This is analogous to following a recipe line by line.) Only by executing an instruction that modifies the contents of the IC can this behavior be changed. In order to design programs with loops (instruction sequences that are repeated during execution of a program) we need instructions that do exactly this.

For convenience, we assume that, upon hitting the EXECUTE button, the IC is initialized to zero. This means that the first instruction executed will always be the one stored in location 0. (For this reason, we will always assume that the program we want to run is stored beginning at location 0 in RAM. Exactly how we get our program there is beyond the scope of this discussion.)

Encoding of instructions

An instruction is encoded inside a 16-bit word as follows:

         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
          operation  |            operand
        (1st 4 bits)           (last 12 bits) 
Thus, when decoding the contents of the IR, the control unit will interpret the first four bits as identifying which kind of instruction is to be executed and the last 12 bits as the operand (i.e., the data to be used by the instruction). Note that some kinds of instructions do not use an operand, in which case the last twelve bits are ignored.

Instruction Set/Repertoire

The hypothetical computer has a (small) repertoire of instructions that it is capable of carrying out. This is called its "instruction set", and it is as follows:

 Opcode       Name          Effect
 ---------    --------      -----------------------------------------
  0 (0000)    HALT          execution of program terminates
  1 (0001)    READ          copies data entered by user into ACC
  2 (0010)    WRITE         displays contents of ACC onto screen
  3 (0011)    LOAD          copies contents of specified location into ACC
  4 (0100)    LOAD-IM       copies specified data into ACC
  5 (0101)    STORE         copies contents of ACC into specified location
  6 (0110)    ADD           adds contents of specified location to ACC
  7 (0111)    ADD-IM        adds specified value to ACC
  8 (1000)    SUB           subtracts contents of specified location from ACC
  9 (1001)    SUB-IM        subtracts specified value from ACC
 10 (1010)    BRANCH        changes contents of IC to specified value
 11 (1011)    BRANCH-P      if ACC has positive value (i.e., greater than
                            zero), changes contents of IC to specified value
 12 (1100)    BRANCH-N      if ACC has negative value (i.e., less than zero),
                            changes contents of IC to specified value
 13 (1101)    BRANCH-Z      if ACC has value zero, changes contents of IC to
                            specified value

For example, a word of memory containing

    | 0| 0| 1| 1| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1| 0| 1| 0| 1| 1|
corresponds to the instruction LOAD 43. The first four bits contain the operation code for LOAD (0011) and the last twelve bits contain (the binary representation of) 43 (000000101011). For the sake of convenience, henceforth we will not concern ourselves with the details of the bit strings occupying the memory locations.

Examples of instructions (and the effect of executing each one):

    LOAD 43:     copies contents of memory location 43 into ACC
    LOAD-IM 43:  places the (bit string corresponding to) value 43 into ACC
    STORE 12:    copies value in ACC into memory location 12
    ADD 17:      adds the value in memory location 17 to the value in ACC 
    BRANCH-Z 7:  examines ACC---if value there is zero, the contents of
                 the IC are changed to 7; otherwise, nothing happens

Example program 1: Finding sum of two inputs

Here is a program to accept two inputs from the user and display their sum. (The contents of each memory location is given in "reader-friendly" form, rather than in the form of a bit string.)

   Loc     Content         Remarks
   ---     ----------      ------------------------------------------
    0      READ            --reads 1st input (into ACC)
    1      STORE 6         --stores into location 6 (for safe keeping)
    2      READ            --reads 2nd input (into ACC)
    3      ADD 6           --adds 1st input to 2nd
    4      WRITE           --displays sum
    5      HALT            --execution terminates

In order to illustrate what happens during execution of the program, we show a "snapshot" of the computer's state (which is given by the values in each of its relevant memory locations) at the beginning and end of each iteration of the fetch-decode-execute cycle. In this particular example, we assume that the user supplies inputs 31 and 14. Each remark indicates what actions occur during the corresponding iteration of the cycle. (The change-of-state resulting from such actions can be discerned by examining the contents of IC, ACC, etc. indicated on the next line.)

                          Input   Output 
Cycle  IC   ACC   Loc 6   so far  so far    Remarks
-----  --   ---   -----   ------  ------    -------
  -     0    -      -       -       -       initial state
  1     1    31     -       31      -       user input 31 was READ into ACC
  2     2    31     31      31      -       31 was STOREd in location 6
  3     3    14     31    31 14     -       user input 14 was READ into ACC
  4     4    45     31    31 14     -       loc. 6 contents were ADDed to ACC
  5     5    45     31    31 14     45      ACC contents were WRITtEn to screen
  6     6    45     31    31 14     45      program has halted 

Example program 2: Countdown

Here is a program that accepts one input from the user and then displays a countdown to zero, beginning with the input value. This program illustrates the concept of a loop, which is a sequence of instructions that gets executed repeatedly.

   Loc     Content          Remarks
   ---     ----------       --------------------------------------------
    0      READ             reads input into ACC
    1      BRANCH-N 5       if ACC's value is negative, go to location 5
    2      WRITE            outputs ACC's value
    3      SUB-IM 1         subtracts 1 from value in ACC
    4      BRANCH 1         go back to location 1
    5      HALT             terminate execution 

Here is a history of the computation that would result if the user were to enter 2 as the input value:

                   Input    Output 
Cycle  IC   ACC   so far   so far     Remarks
-----  --   ---   ------   -------    ---------------------------------
  -     0    -      -         -       initial state
  1     1    2      2         -       user input of 2 was READ into ACC
  2     2    2      2         -       ACC is not negative, so BRANCH-N had no effect
  3     3    2      2         2       ACC contents were WRITtEn to screen
  4     4    1      2         2       1 was SUBtracted from ACC
  5     1    1      2         2       BRANCH caused 1 to be stored in IC 
  6     2    1      2         2       ACC is not negative, so BRANCH-N had no effect
  7     3    1      2        2 1      ACC contents were WRITtEn to screen
  8     4    0      2        2 1      1 was SUBtracted from ACC
  9     1    0      2        2 1      BRANCH caused 1 to be stored in IC
 10     2    0      2        2 1      ACC is not negative, so BRANCH-N had no effect
 11     3    0      2       2 1 0     ACC contents were WRITtEn to screen
 12     4   -1      2       2 1 0     1 was SUBtracted from ACC
 13     1   -1      2       2 1 0     BRANCH caused 1 to be stored in IC
 14     5   -1      2       2 1 0     ACC is negative, so BRANCH-N put 5 into IC
 15     6   -1      2       2 1 0     program has halted 


Making use of pieces of the two programs presented above, develop a program that, given as inputs two natural numbers (i.e., nonnegative integers), outputs their product.

Hint: The product m×n is just the sum n + n + ... + n, in which n appears m times. A program that does this calculation can place zero into a particular memory location and then add n to the value in that location m times. To make the code segment that does the adding repeat exactly m times, the program can do a countdown, as in the second example program above.