CMPS 144 Spring 2024
Prog. Assg. #3: Arithmetic Expression Evaluation
Due: 11:59pm, Tuesday, March 19


Your goal in this assignment is to complete the development of a collection of Java components (i.e., interfaces and classes) that provide a means for evaluating arithmetic expressions. The interfaces are provided in full, as is a Java application that can be used for testing purposes.

The following outline lists the names of all the components in a way that indicates their inheritance structure. Some of the names provide a link to a completed interface or class; one provides a link to an incomplete class; the rest simply tell you the name of a class that you must build from scratch. The names of Java interfaces are in italics.

For the purposes of this assignment, arithmetic expressions involve integer literals, binary infix arithmetic operators, and parentheses. Due to the lack of sophistication of the given ArithExprScanner class, the atomic components (i.e., tokens) in our expressions must be separated from each other by spaces. Here are some examples:

26 4 + 9 * ( 13 + 8 ) - 34
3 + 47 ( 5 * 3 ) - ( 17 / 2 ^ 4 ) * ( ( 2 + 3 ) / ( 7 - 9 ) )
( 2 - 6 ) * 11 ( ( 4 + 2 ) )

You certainly recognize the operator symbols for the four basic arithmetic operations: +, -, *, and /. The ^ operator is the power, or exponentiation, operator. For example, 3 ^ 5 means three raised to the fifth power.

Notice that these are not the fully-parenthesized arithmetic expressions (FPAEs) that were discussed earlier in the course, but rather a larger class of expressions that includes FPAEs as special cases.

Evaluating FPAEs is rather simple, due to their very restricted form. Evaluating our more general class of expressions is more difficult, because the order in which the operators in an expression are to be applied depends not only upon parenthesization and the order in which the operators appear, but also upon the operators' precedence factors (which these days students remember by the acronym "PEMDAS").

We follow usual convention by assuming that the power/exponentiation operator (^) has highest precedence, followed at the next level by multiplication (*) and division (/), followed at the next lower level by addition (+) and subtraction (-). For purposes of making our evaluation algorithm a little easier to describe, we consider the left parenthesis (() to be a pseudo-operator and we assign to it the lowest possible precedence.

Another convention that we adopt is that operators of equal precedence associate to the left. Which means, for example, that the expression 5 - 2 + 3 is taken to be equivalent to ( 5 - 2 ) + 3 rather than to 5 - ( 2 + 3 ). This conforms to the usual convention, except in the case of exponentiation, which is usually considered to associate to the right.

As with FPAEs, our more general class of arithmetic expressions can be evaluated using a pair of stacks, one to hold operators and the other to hold operands. But the algorithm is, not surprisingly, more complicated than what is needed for FPAEs. A pseudocode version is found below. (Its translation into Java code is to become the evaluate() method in the ArithExprEvaluator class.)

In order to simplify the algorithm, it assumes that the first and last tokens of the expression are a pair of mated parentheses. (Thus, for example, before evaluating "( 3 + 5 ) * 7", it should be altered to become "( ( 3 + 5 ) * 7 )".)


operatorStk = empty stack of Operator objects
operandStk = empty stack of IntLiteral objects
while (there are more tokens to process) {
   token = next token
   if (token is an integer literal) {
      push token onto operandStk
   else if (token is a left parenthesis) {
      push token onto operatorStk
   else if (token is an operator) {
      while (token's precedence factor is ≤ to that of operator at top of operatorStk) {
         pop operator from operatorStk;
         pop two values from operandStk
         apply the popped operator to the two popped values
         push the result onto operandStk
      push token onto operatorStk
   else if (token is a right parenthesis) {
      while (operator at top of operatorStk is not a left parenthesis) {
         pop operator from operatorStk;
         pop two values from operandStk
         apply the popped operator to the two popped values
         push the result onto operandStk
      pop the left parenthesis off operatorStk
return (what should be) the lone item on operandStk

The Java translation of the pseudocode boolean expressions that are for the purpose of determining exactly what kind of token is stored in token would use Java's instanceof operator. For example, the condition

token is a left parenthesis

translates to

token instanceof LeftParen

Your stacks should be declared to ensure that objects of type Operator and IntLiteral are placed in them, respectively. Which means that a value of type Token, which is more general than either Operator or IntLiteral (which are particular kinds of tokens) cannot be pushed onto them. To overcome this obstacle, we use type casting. For example, assuming that the variable token is of type Token and its value has been ascertained to be an instance of Operator, an appropriate expression by which to push it onto the operator stack would be


Program Submission

You should submit five Java classes (.java files, not .class files) to the appropriate dropbox: ArithExprEvaluator, SubtractOp, MultiplyOp, DivideOp, and PowerOp.

Your code will be tested in an environment in which all the other Java components are exactly as were given to you.

Optionally (for a little extra credit), you can submit an improved version of the ArithExprScanner class that does not rely upon the tokens in an arithmetic expression being separated from each other by spaces.