CMPS 144 Fall 2023
Quiz: Finding Tokens


Name ________________________

From the point of view of an instance of the java.util.Scanner class, a token within a String s is a substring of s that

To keep things simple, assume here that the only whitespace character that appears in strings of interest is the space character (i.e., ' '). (Which is to say that you can assume that neither the TAB character nor the newline character is present.)

          1         2
  The bear in  the hat.
As an example, consider the string " The bear in the hat.", as shown to the right. Its five tokens (numbered zero through four) start at positions 2, 6, 11, 15, and 19, respectively. Those tokens end at positions 5, 10, 13, 18, and 23, respectively.

Supply the missing bodies of at least two of the methods whose headings appear below (one on each side of the page), which can be used to find, within a given string, where a specified token begins and ends. The intent is that the k-th token of string s should be the result of the call

s.substring(startsAt(s,k), endsAt(s,k))

/* Returns the smallest-numbered index, not less 
** than k, of a non-space character within s.
** If s has no non-space characters, s.length()
** is returned.
static int indexOfNonSpace(String s, int k) {

/* Returns the smallest-numbered index, 
** not less than k, of a space character 
** within s.  If s has no space characters,
** s.length() is returned.
static int indexOfSpace(String s, int k) {


/* Returns the position, within the given string, at which its k-th token begins. 
public int startsAt(String s, int k) {

/* Returns the position, within the given string, at which its k-th token ends.
public int endsAt(String s, int k) {
